Plush Fold Over Elastic Grab Bag - 5/8 inch - FOE - random 1 yard lengths - Plush solid color elastic binding

Plush Fold Over Elastic Grab Bag - 5/8 inch - FOE - random 1 yard lengths - Plush solid color elastic binding

  • $4.75

This is a destash from my studio. The high quality plush FOE was produced by the diaper co-op "Sew it Seams" a few years ago and was a limited run.

Choose 5 or 10 yards of randomly chosen FOE colors! All your FOE will be solid colors, and I will not duplicate for 5 yard quantities. 10 yard quantities may have up to two yards of any color, based on availability, but I will still try not to duplicate. You can see the colors that may be included sold by the yard in my shop. I'm sorry, but I cannot take color requests for this item but I can take requests for longer continuous lengths of colors (for instance,) if you want 2 yards each of 5 colors in the set of 10.)

There is no additional shipping charge when you buy more than one set of 5 or 10

Specifications: Plush FOE
Width: 5/8" when folded
Length: 1 yard lengths of 5 or 10 randomly chosen solid FOE colors.

Please keep in mind that computer monitors can vary in how they display color, and what you see may not be exactly what I do. I have made every effort to make sure the color is accurate in my photos, but they may show differently for you.

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